Money Is A Spirit eBook

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"You're never broke because of what's in your wallet; you're broke because of what's in your heart."-Dr. Paula Price.

"Mammon (money/wealth) is a spirit" is one of the first and most profound truths the Lord released to me about wealth. If you have the faith of a mustard seed, as our Savior said, you will certainly tap into this reality and never again struggle to get rich, fail to meet your needs, or leave the planet never knowing financial stability in your life. The transformation starts with accepting that money is a spirit.

  • Getting Acquainted with Mammon
  • The Rules of Money
  • The Race is Not for the Swift
  • Before there was Cash
  • Wisdom: God's Real Cash Cow
  • Wealth Manifesting Seminar
  • Cashing in on You
  • God Programmed You to Prosper & Profit
  • How to Start

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Shari Moore
Mind changing

This book woke me up in a real way. My thoughts about money was wrong. After reading this book I see and understand better.