Creation Is A Being

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  • God’s duties
  • Leadership 
  • New Birth 
  • Salvation & Redemption 
  • The Mighty Ones 
  • Jesus as the Last Adam 
  • Creation is A Being 


  • Ezekiel 36
  • John 3
  • Hebrews by inference
  • Acts 17:28
  • Colossians 2:9

Sermon Clips:

  • God has responsibilities, obligations, accountabilities, and duties 
  • God made himself accountable to his own creation 
  • Whatever we ask in His name He will do 
  • He is accountable to creation and our existence in His planet 
  • He commanded all His invisible creation to hear your voice when you pray 
  • God has ministry leaders and five-folders
  • They are not just trained academically but they are internally constructed
  • They are trained ethically, morally, and judicially to align themselves with the assignment God gives them 

Our Journey To This Place

  • Review the journey from discipleship to Appellate Sovereigns 
  • All Christians start out apostolic 
  • We are the only faith that sprang up from the earth 
  • We brought the kingdom of God to earth 

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