Prophecy: Gods Divine Communications (ebook)

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Prophecy: God's Divine Communications Media is an introduction to the prophetic and offers a modern and practical view on how God communicates with His creation. What else could better convey the Lord's motive for creating a broadcast medium through which to stream His will, government, intents, and messages to a dark and spiritually deaf humanity? Find out more when you purchase today!

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Terry OConnor
Prophecy God’s Divine Communication

I have the paperback as well. The book delves into the intricacies as to God's communication through the prophetic medium.

Tammy McCray
Beginning Point to Prophecy

I purchased the e-book for my daughter. She has just started reading the e-book, but has not completed the e-book. I asked her if she had a feedback and she stated it’s a start of understanding what Prophecy is.

Lacy Lange
Great study tool for more growth.

Love the tools and resources offered ! Most are way beyond my comprehension but so love the Holy Spirit growth and will to go deeper and higher to get all that He has. For such a time as this! For His glory!!!